Succession planning of a Board is important. It ensures an adequate and appropriate mix of gender, skills, characteristics and experience of Directors. The Board Succession Planning Template offers the opportunity to assess your current Board composition. It helps identify any characteristics that may be missing. The template helps you understand what skills and experience are required to allow your Board to operate more effectively both now, and in the future.
Boards are often reluctant to embrace a succession planning program. It can be a challenge getting them to even think about planning for Director retirement. Having an objectively based approach to Board Succession Planning is essential for both the risk and human resource management of your organisation.
This template also offers substantial support in conducting your Board’s succession planning. Once introduced, it provides an ongoing process to manage the Board’s renewal over many years. It is the best way to ensure your Board is relevant and capable of adding value. Utilise our Board Succession Planning Template, today or contact us today for further support!
Enterprise Care offers a wide range of services, including Board performance, Governance practice and reviews, performance management, and strategic positioning and thinking. We also offer a wide range of compliance and risk management plans to help you and your business.