This publication has been written by Job Safety Assistance®, leading Australian advisers in the field of Work Health and Safety.
This publication sets out for your organisation the details of an appropriate Risk Management Policy and Procedure ensuring a commitment to providing a safe and healthy working environment for all workers. It recognises that a robust risk management framework is an integral part of a sound Work Health and Environment Management System.
Items covered by the Risk Management Policy include:
- Scope and Objectives;
- Principles and benefits;
- Policy;
- Definitions; and
- Roles and responsibilities:
- Manager
- Health and Safety Committee
- Supervisors/Persons with Management Control
- Health and Safety representative
- Workers
- Contractors
- Others
- External WHS Consultants
- Injury management.
The Risk Management Procedure details the following Key Process Steps:
- Communicate and consult openly and willingly;
- Establish the context for risk management;
- Identify hazards and risks associated with each task and the workplace;
- Control or treat the risks to ensure the best possible control level is implemented;
- Monitor risk controls; and
- Evaluate risk control measures adopted to ensure risk controls are appropriate.
This publication ensures that your organisation is ready to implement its commitment to work health and safety.