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An Untapped Potential

Is your board effective or operating at less than its full potential and how might this show?

Various activities may influence a board, causing it to operate below its potential. These factors may include:

  1. lack of clarity about the director and/or board roles 
  2. under preparation for meeting from information overload  
  3. issues being backward rather than forward looking 
  4. inappropriate board composition  
  5. poor alignment and reporting against the strategy 
  6. ad hoc assessment of CEO performance 
  7. lack of process to evaluate board performance 
  8. opaque insights into risks, compliance, and regulatory matters 
  9. inadequate professional development among board members 
  10. lack of organisation performance benchmarking rigour.

The factors mentioned above are the more obvious and impactful in hindering or undermining a board’s effectiveness in governance.