Ensure your Directors and senior managers are aware of their governance obligations with this comprehensive Conflict of Interest Policies and Procedures publication. Fully-editable, this policy template can be personalised for your organisation and put to use immediately.
The Conflict of Interest Policies and Procedures publication provides the requisite governance knowledge you need to design, implement and monitor your organisation’s very own conflict of interest policy.
- Conflict of Interest Policy statement;
- Explanation of what constitutes a conflict of interest;
- Annual declaration form for Director’s signature;
- Conflict of interest disclosure statement;
- Gift policy and disclosure form and gift disclosure statement;
- Conflict of interests register; and
- A step-by-step guide on how to implement and monitor your organisation’s conflict of interest policy.
Know How and Do Now this Enterprise Care Conflict of Interest Policies and Procedures publication offers practical support for good governance in the Not for Profit sector.