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‘How can we optimise our impact for the benefit of the people we serve’?

One of the primary motivations for pursuing growth/expansion is the pursuit of economies of scale.  In the NFP / For Purpose sector, mergers have often been considered as a ‘last resort’ solution by Boards and usually when facing financial stress.

Growth as a strategic objective is imperative and all avenues towards that growth must be explored for due diligence.

In recent and more turbulent times, organisations are becoming more proactive.  Boards and CEOs now increasingly recognise that mergers can provide a positive opportunity for them to ensure sustainability and success in achieving their fundamental purpose.

By combining resources in the backend, the new organisation can operate more efficiently. This offers a more secure basis to expand the organisation’s reach in terms of clients and/or members, fundraising, and philanthropy and/or donors.  Scale can be, and is, an important and fundamental consideration.

There is truth in saying that the status quo is no longer an option.

This means all options must be ‘on the table’ including growth through other than organic means.  Therefore, the question to ask ourselves is – ‘How can we optimise o