Developing Strategic Plans that Work


Developing Strategic Plans that Work


Overview and Purpose

Strategic planning is quite possibly the most important task for an organisation in setting its goals and agenda, and achieving its outcomes.

A Strategic Plan is a systematic process that allows you and your organisation to identify and implement the six (6) most important things that you must get right to prosper over the next few years.

This publication provides a framework for an organisation to implement strategic planning, and introduces the Enterprise Care SCOREĀ© Analysis.

The publication is written in the knowledge that Not for Profit organisations vary greatly. Size may vary from one or two paid staff, to many thousands of staff. There may also be a significant impact from volunteers whose requirements are different from those of paid employees.

Developing Strategic Plans that Work identifies some of the available research in strategic planning, provides a framework for the Not for Profit organisation to implement strategic planning, and provides samples of Strategic Plan elements. It also introduces the concepts of the I-Factor (the ‘Inheritance’ of a Not for Profit organisation) and the SCORE Analysis (The Strengths, Challenges, Opportunities, Risks and Ethics filtering analysis).

This publication will help your organisation develop and implement a strategic plan that delivers results.

Topics Covered

  • the role of strategic planning;
  • framework for strategic planning;
  • creating the planning team;
  • establishing the I-Factor level;
  • developing or reaffirming the Vision;
  • applying the SCORE analysis filter;
  • setting strategies and reality checks against SCORE;
  • developing Action Plans;
  • how to successfully implement your Strategic Plan;
  • measuring the implementation of your Strategic Plan;
  • summary; and
  • references.